In 1994 Ezec formed the critically acclaimed NYHC act Crown of Thornz along with former Breakdown guitarist Mike Dijan. belting out emotionally charged lyrics of introspection, pain and anger. Crown Of Thornz released their debut EP “Train Yard Blues” in 1995 on Equal Vision Records, a dedication to Ezec's younger brother David whose life ended tragically the year prior. In 1995,Crown of Thornz took part in the N.Y.H.C. documentary. Their live performances were captured (including a fight breaking out during the opening song of their set) as well as an insightful interview where he speaks about the tragic suicide of his younger brother as well as the time he was stabbed by a crackhead. The following year Crown Of Thornz struck back with their 1996 underground classic “Mentally Vexed” on Another Planet Records, a juggernaut of riffs and melodies that had hardcore fans as far as Europe and Japan in a frenzy.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Crown Of Thornz - "Best Of Both Worlds" now available on ILL-ROC RECORDS.
The legendary "Mentally Vexed" L.P. plus the underground "Train Yard Blues" E.P. together on one dope ass c.d.!!!
A must for every New York Hardcore fan.